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Emotions Drive Business

When it comes to why consumers choose a brand, half of the reason boils down to emotion. Yet, traditional research often overlooks emotion, missing half of the story. Our proprietary approach explores emotion through a unique combination of behavioral science and advanced technology to uncover the complete picture. 

Our proprietary framework maps emotional responses across eight fundamental territories, capturing approximately 100 emotions and 200 personality traits that shape brand perception. 


The Human Motivation Map

It is a proprietary model that codified the proximity and location between the words people use to describe an emotion and the features associated with it. 

Think about this as a map with precise coordinates for each emotional “continent”. 

With the map, we can diagnose if your brand (or a specific manifestation of the brand) shows up in the location you want it to be in consumers’ minds.

Think about the map as a GPS that can be used to guide where you want to go.

How to read the map

The colors or zones within the oval represent distinct emotional territories—a space a brand can occupy.

The concentric rings represent a continuum of that territory—like two sides of a coin. At the center, we find core emotions. As we move outward, emotions become stronger and more defining for the brand. In the outermost ring, positive emotions can turn negative—like how intelligence, when exaggerated, can be perceived as arrogance.

check out the video
for more details

The science behind


Our measurement system:

  • Uses an advanced trade-off methodology to understand emotional associations

  • Captures rapid, intuitive responses, bridging the space between traditional explicit measures and fully implicit techniques

  • Measures both positive and negative qualities

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