
5 Post-Pandemic Visual Identity & Packaging Considerations

(Use Cases for Virtual Pack Testing)

The Future of Shopping is changing daily and will continue to evolve in the months to come as we move past the pandemic.

I have started recruiting top shopper marketing and insight leaders from a variety of organizations for an upcoming Future of Shopping Think Tank.

Below you'll find the top 5 business questions related to visual identity and packaging that I have been hearing in speaking with the participants of this upcoming think tank.

An ideal way to test hypotheses around these questions is to pair virtual observation of shopper behaviour at both physical and digital shelves with implicit and explicit measurement to explain the behaviour you observe.

If you would like to learn more about how to set up your own virtual shopper based design experiment or are interested in participating in the Future of Shopping Think Tank, please let me know.

The Top 5 Visual Identity and Packaging Questions in a Post-Pandemic World

1. Shelf Audit: How is my packaging's visual identity performing in the First-Moment-of-Truth in this new world of shopping where the retail lines have blurred? Is there evidence for a need for a packaging restage or any other changes to our shelf layout? I need to ensure that our packaging is more distinctive than ever given how quickly shoppers want to get in and out of stores these days.

2. Category/Competitive Assessment: What will be the impact to my portfolio from a change within the category from a competitor or a retail reset driven by our retail customer and how can I manage this proactively? I need to demonstrate to our retail customers that we can add value to help their competitiveness in a quickly changing retail landscape.

3. Innovation: How do I leverage my distinct brand assets while setting up any innovations' packaging designs to break through on shelf ? Given that consumers aren't spending as much time "exploring and discovering", I need to ensure that the visual identity of our innovation is easily recognized through the right memory cues.

4.Brand Modernization: How do I refresh my brand’s visual identity on pack without putting the base business at risk? This is a challenging time to refresh a brand or reset a category and I need to ensure that I balance modernizing my brand with reinforcing our strongest existing memory structures and distinctive assets.

5. Global Harmonization Assessment: How will new global packaging work impact local markets? I need to ensure that our fast adapts from global still make sense locally and can break out on shelf and online.

Stay tuned for additional insights from the upcoming Future of Shopping Think Tank.

If you would like to participate or receive the outputs from this think tank, please let me know.

Tags: Insights

Jonathan La Greca

SVP Growth